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Największe w Polsce Targi Pracy w USA "CIEE Roadshow"

Czy wiesz, że 24 lutego odbędzie się ostatnia edycja największych w Polsce Targów Pracy w USA "CIEE Roadshow". Podczas dwóch pierwszych imprez styczniowych pracę wakacyjną znalazło ok. 600 studentów. Są jeszcze wolne miejsca - zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertą. Targi odbędą sie w hotelu Novotel przy ul. Marszałkowskiej (dawne Forum).

Więcej na www.acp.org.pl.

CIEE, in cooperation with Adventure Club Polska, is pleased to offer the 2006 Work & Travel USA Job Fair. This event brings top US employers to Poland to interview and hire candidates for the CIEE Work & Travel USA program.

Face-to-face interviews allow you, the potential participant, the opportunity to meet employers, ask questions about their positions, and decide on a position that matches your expectations of a positive Work & Travel USA experience. Likewise, the employers will be able to determine if your skills and expectations match their available positions.

You will not be allowed to change your job when you arrive in the US, so it is important that you take care in making your decision. On this site you will find information on the employers that will be present in Poland, to help you determine with which companies you would like to interview.

Established in 1947, CIEE is a world-leader in cultural exchange services. Each year, we help nearly 50,000 students grow personally and develop their potential through a wide variety of exchange programs across the globe.

CIEE operates in Poland through our partner organization, Adventure Club Polska. Based in Boston, the prestigious academic center of the United States, the highly trained staff of CIEE work closely with Adventure Club Polska to promote and deliver a full range of exceptional opportunities, support and program services to students in Poland.


ostatnia zmiana: 2016-09-02
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