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PhD Programme in Political and Administrative Sciences

The Institute of Political Science is launching a new project: “PhD Programme in Political and Administrative Sciences – doctoral studies for foreigners”. The best participants enrolled in the academic year 2019/2020 will receive a scholarship of 5,000 zloty per month.

-This project is the next step in the ongoing internationalization of our Institute. Our previous experience, combined with the highest scientific standards displayed for several decades by Wroclaw’s political scientists, has allowed us to create a professional doctoral programme for foreigners, and funding from the Polish National Academy for Academic Exchange will allow us to take more care of the development of young scientific staff - emphasises Piotr Sula, Vice Director of the Institute of Political Science for Research and International Cooperation and the Programme coordinator.

The Programme is addressed to foreign candidates with an MA degree, and with a good knowledge of English (at least at C1 level) confirmed by a valid language certificate. In addition,  candidates must fulfill the procedural and administrative conditions set for all doctoral candidates at the University of Wroclaw. A candidate cannot be a graduate of a master's programme completed at a Polish institution, or a doctoral student pursuing a PhD programme at a Polish institution or an applicant for the doctor's degree in extramural mode.

The four-year PhD course will take place as a part of the Doctoral College of Political and Administrative Sciences at the University of Wrocław. Within an attractive interdisciplinary programme, doctoral students will participate in both general university subjects (classes in law, the ethics of scientific research and didactical methods at academic institutions) and those closely related to the discipline of political and administrative sciences. Among the planned subjects are: Theories of international relations, Political institutions in democratic and non-democratic regimes, as well as the cooperation between science and its socio-economic environment. In addition, PhD candidates will have professional practice in the form of conducting didactic classes or participating in classes at the BA level. They will be encouraged to engage in scientific and international events (conference participation and organization, attendance at seminars, winter and summer schools), which will allow them to gain experience in international scientific collaboration as well as specific communication, organization and management skills. The Institute of Political Science will also provide them with scientific and didactic support from their supervisors at every stage of the implementation of the individual research plan and the programme of the doctoral school.

The best participants in doctoral comparative studies in politics and administration enrolled in the academic year 2019/2020 will receive a scholarship of 5,000 zloty monthly. Disbursement will begin in February 2020 on the basis of a ranking list prepared by the Competition Committee. At the first stage, a thesis project presented to the Committee by the candidate will be assessed. In the following years, the competition assessment will be relative to the individual PhD candidate’s progress, including the level of implementation of the study programme as well as their level of commitment in scientific, organizational and popularizing activities. In organising the competition procedure, the principles of accessibility for people with disabilities and equal opportunities for women and men will be maintained.

More information about the PhD Programme and recruitment requirements can be found at: https://politologia.uni.wroc.pl/en/PhD Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us: phd.psa@uwr.edu.pl

The Programme is co-financed from the resources of the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, a non-competition project entitled: "Supporting the institutional capacity of Polish HEIs through the creation and implementation of international study programmes”, implemented under the Measure, specified in the application for project co-financing No POWR.03.03.00-00-PN16/18

opublikowano: 2019-05-14
Pomysły na studia dla maturzystów - ostatnio dodane artykuły
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